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The Record Times

F28 Sarah Klein 2:00:10 (2024)
M28 James Laven 1:42:31 (2022)
F28 Boardies Lauren Das 2:54:06 (2024)
M28 Boardies Trent Harlow 1:50:44 (2013)

F56 Lucy Bartholomew 4:33:58 (2018)
M56 Ash Watson 4:00:37 (2019)
F56 Boardies Natasha Fraser 5:02:24 (2015)
M56 Boardies John Csongei 4:25:44 (2024)

Age Category Records are here.

20th Annual but Fourteenth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 14th 2024
Team Results Winners
W28: DTR Lyrebirds #1
M28: Melbourne Pack
Mixed 28: Malvern Harriers Hero's
W56: Victorian Ultra Runners
M56: Victorian Ultra Runners
Mixed 56: Crosbie Crew

Full team details were put up on facebook.

19th Annual but
Thirteenth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 15th 2023

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28
M28: Weapon Runners
Mixed 28: TXR 28km
W56: VUR Womens 56km
M56: VUR Mens 56km
Mixed 56: Crosbie Crew Mixed 56km

Full team details were put up on facebook.

18th Annual but
Twelfth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 16th 2022

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew
M28: Weapon Runners A
Mixed 28: Malvern Hero Harriers
Combo: -
W56: RITB Tiger Snakes
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers
Mixed 56: Crosbie Crew

Full team details were put up on facebook.

17th Annual but
Eleventh Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 17th 2021

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew
M28: Weapon Runners 
Mixed 28: RITB Mambas
Combo: Diamond Creek Runners
W56: No complete teams in 2021
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers
Mixed 56:
Warringal Warriors
Full team details put up on facebook.

16th Annual but Tenth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 12th 2020

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28
M28: Melbourne Midday Milers Men 28
Mixed 28: Vic Orienteering
Combo: RITB Vipers
W56: KMD Run Club 56km Female
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers 56k Men
Mixed 56: Merri Creek Running Club 56km

Full team details put up on facebook. 

15th Annual but Ninth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 13th 2019

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew 28k Women
M28: Dinneen Runners
Mixed 28: DTR Rockets
Combo: Mornington Misfits
W56: VUR Female 56
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers 56k
Mixed 56: Run for Body and Soul 56k Mixed

Full team details were put up on facebook.

14th Annual but
Eighth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 14th 2018

Team Results Winners

W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28
M28: Run Ready
Mixed 28: DTR Rockets
Combo: PTR Trail Rebels
W56: VUR Female 56
M56: VUR Male 56
Mixed 56: DTR Cruisers
Full team details were put up on facebook.
13th Annual but Seventh Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 15th 2017

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28km Women
M28: Crosbie Crew 28km Men
Mixed 28: DTR Rockets
Combo: ACRG
W56: Running in the Burbs 56 Chicks
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers
Mixed 56: DTR Cruisers
Full team details were put up on facebook.
12th Annual but Sixth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 17th 2016

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28km Female
M28: Crosbie Crew 28km Male
Mixed 28: Mizuno Mixed Team 2
Combo: Physio and Fitness Clinic
W56: Surf Coast Trail Runners Ladies 56km
M56: Melbourne Midday Milers
Mixed 56: Crosbie Crew 56km Mixed
Full team details were put up on facebook.
11th Annual but Fifth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 11th 2015

Team Results Winners
W28: Crosbie Crew Women 28km - A
M28: Love the Run
Mixed 28: Winnie's Wonders - A
Combo: Shepparton Runners Club
W56: SCTR#TrailLove W56-A
M56: SCTR#TrailLoveM56-A
Mixed 56: Crosbie Crew 56km - A
Full team details were put up on facebook.

Downloadable spreadsheet of results showing age positions.

10th Annual but Fourth Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 12th 2014

Team Results Winners
W28: The Burnley Express 10:35:57
M28: Valley Style 9:37:48
Mixed 28: Winnie's Wonders 10:03:08
Combo: Two Bays or Not Two Bays
M56: NRG 16:02:02
Full team details were put up on facebook.

Age Division Results

9th Annual but Third Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 13th 2013

Final Official Results as .xlsx file

Team Results Winners

W28: running in the burbs 11:53:28
M28: midday milers 8:37:18
Mixed 28: vogels vixens 10:54:07
Combo: Have cake and eat it 19:36:48
M56: crosbie crew 16:05;20

8th Annual but
Second Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 15th 2012

The Final Official results as .XLSX file

7th Annual but
First Official Two Bays Trail Run Jan 16th 2011
28km Results
Combined 28km Results PDF
Womens 28km Results PDF
Mens 28km Results PDF
56km Results
Combined 56km Results PDF
Womens 56km Results PDF
Mens 56km Results PDF
And the absolutely full results as a .xlsx file for those who love to play with data.

6th Annual Two Bays Run Jan 3rd 2010
Bryan Ackerly (2;20) 5;21
Chris Noble (2;29) 5;24
Brett Stickland (2;27) 5;31
Martin Edwards (2;35) 5;38
Robert Hall (2;36) 5;39
Jane Allardice (2;40) 5;40 F
Baz Skelton (2;46) 5;40
Travis Tremayne (2;42) 6;04
Jarrod Kannizay (2;48;15) 6;04
Peter Bignell (2;33;30) 6;11;10
M Dale (2;52;40) 6;14;32
Rohan Day (2;50) 6;14;32
Sebastian Zwalf (2;52;40) 6;27;54
Matt Webb (2;48) 6;35;25
Stuart Elliott (2;24) 6;51 Entered 28km, but ran back after a 40min break.
Steven Lane (3;07) 7;08;54
Mark Mallman (3;11) 7;17
Alan Marlow (3;14) 7;19
John Dutton 2;03;57 M
Vince Patton 2;14;10
Pat Tongue 2;14;40
Michael Johnson 2;18;20
Phill Sly 2;18;30
Mike Wheatley 2;18;31
Cameron Staggard 2;18;36
Stephen van der Tang 2;20;59
Ben Griffin 2;25
Miranda Griffiths 2;27 F
Sue Clark 2;32;41 F
Andrew Rowan 2;33;01
Leigh Moss 2;33;26
Adam Schroeder 2;34
Rick Osler 2;34;06
Alistair Cowan 2;34;11
Rob Davis 2;35
Shaun Mooney 2;36
Tim Jessen 2;39
Tom Mills 2;39
F Verez 2;41
Sean Pywell 2;41;41
K Smart 2;46
M Wilson 2;46;01F
Troy Harvey 2;48;15
Bruce Payne 2;48;30
Brent Dower 2;52;45
Barbara Horwood 2;53 F
Dianne Johnson 2;53;03 F
Sam Osman 2;54;20
Diane Edwards 2;55 F
Richard McCormick 2;55
John Lam (Peregrine Falcon) 2;57
Ronen Vexler 3;00
Anna Boltung 3;01 F
Paul Ban 3;03
Keith Lane 3;04
Matt McNamara 3;05
Geoff Carroll 3;05
Warren Bull 3;05
Jed Thrall 3;07
Corrie van Raapharst 3;07F
Robert Boyce 3;11
Adrian Sell 3;11
Emma Wilton 3;14 F
Sid Jayasinghe 3;15
Douglas McLeod-Dryden 3;15
Annabel Brennan 3;17 F
Mary Pickavance 3;17 F
Doos Vohs 3;22
Cathy Philo 3;25 F
David Hughes 3;27
Murray Rose 3;28
Allen Jepson 3;33
Tabatha Delany 3;34 F
Fiona Mansfield 3;38 F
Kevin Cassidy 3;39
Richard Conville 3;41
Rob Howarth 3;59
Louise Hall 3;59;48 F
Alan Killeen 4;06;44
Jodie Palmer 4;07 F
Nicky Kuriel 4;07 F
Mike Williams 4;07
Dee Greenwood 4;20 F
Tane (Kangaroo Rescue Crew) Stickland 4;58 F
Kim Parrott (Kangaroo Rescue Crew) 4;58 F
18km PJ 1;48;16

5th Annual Two Bays Run 27 Dec 2008
56km Fat Ass
1. Rohan Day 5:11 [2:22 at half way]
2. Dan Thompson 5:13 [2:32 at half way] Took an 'alternative' route back.
3. Ben Griffin 5:49 [2:32 at half way]
4. Tim Kennington 6:08 [2:36 at half way]
5. Andrew Hook 7:15 [3:10 at half way]
28km Skinny Ass
1. John Dutton 2:28
2. Chris O'Brien 2:28 and a few seconds!!
3. Stephane Seguin 2:34 [from France]
4. Rob Davis 2:36.....took the "Rosie Ruiz" short cut!!
4. Peter Cooper 2:36.....took the "Rosie Ruiz" short cut!!
6. Jeremy Dover 2:43
7. Steven Martin 2:56
7. Bridget Ure [f] 2:56
9. Ruth Dover [f] 3:08......ran barefoot!!!!
10. Mark Falls 3:10
11. Nick Thompson 3:23
11. Ashley Murdoch 3:23
13. Mary Pickavance [f] 3:29
13. Annabel Brennan [f] 3:29
15. Emma Wilton [f] 4:05
16. Michelle Donnelly 4:14
17. Janice Bartholomew 4:30ish ???

4th Annual Two Bays Run 30 Dec 2007
56km FatAss
Rohan Day (2:35) 5:23
Paul Gladwell (2:47) 6:25
Martin Edwards (2:47) 6:25
Jane Alladice (3:08) 6:54
Ben Griffin (3:08) 6:54
Peter Bignell (2:54) 7:11
Malcolm Gambell (3:00) 7:32
Steve Hyde (3:06) 7:34
Charlie Frisch (3:08) 7:36
Richard McCormick (3:15) 8:26
28km ThinAss
Lachlan 2:33
Andrew (acorn) 2:45
Shane 2:46
Shaun Pywell 2:51
Pete Goodman 3:02
Chris O'Driscoll 3:13
Shaun Brewster 3:13
Justin Scholtz 3:16
Sharon Scholtz 3:16
Deanne Edwards 3:29 (lost)
Magnus Michelsson (2:28) 3:44 (42km)
Sarah Loft 2:05 (23k)

3rd Annual Two Bays Run 7 Jan 2007
56km Runners
Tony Fattorini 2:30 2:37 5:07
Bryan Ackerly 2:27 3:00 5:27
Rob Gray 2:33 3:00 5:33
Kelvin Marshall 2:40 2:57 5:37
Andrew Hewat 3:01 3:15 6:16
Brian Harrison 3:00 3:29 6:29
Neil Rampling 3:00 3:29 6:29
Brendan Mason 3:01 3:54 6:55
Jun Okabe 3:24 4:01 7:25
Nick Thompson 3:28 4:17 7:45
Bret Butler 3:28 4:17 7:45
Amanda Underwood 3:21 41.3km
Kaye Ervine 3:45 34km
28km Runners
Robert Boyce 3:15
Paul Ban 3:15
Suzie Spangler 3:15
Kevin Cassidy 3:15

2nd Annual Two Bays Trail Run
July 23rd 2006 Postponed Run
55km Results (27.5km split)
1. Pbig 5:38 (2:37)
2. MPBR 7:05 (3:02)
27.5km Results
1. Max 2:37
2. Kevin Cassidy 3:05

First Annual Two Bays Run 27 Nov 2005
56km Results
1 Scott Thompson 2:37 5:59
2 Dylan Dwyer 2:25 6:08
3 Kelvin Marshall 2:59 6:30
4 Mike Pickavance 2:49 6:55
5 Kevin Cassidy 3:18 7:09
6 Robert Boyce 3:07 7:25
7 Steve Hyde 3:25 7:42
8 Justin McNamara 3:34 8:40
8 Matt McNamara 3:34 8:40
28km Results
1 Richard McCormick 2:38
2 Peter Bignall 2:39
3 Simon Gerber 2:41
4 Lachlan Fraser 2:45
5 Brian Trower 2:46
6 Philip Healey 2:47
7 Mark Foley 2:48
8 Richard MacAfee 2:50
9 Mary Pickavance 2:51
10 Kelly Gerber 2:51
11 Nick Thompson 2:52
12 Steven Taylor 2:54
13 Emma Miller 2:56
14 Julia Thorn 2:59
15 Brendan Mason 3:05
16 Erwin Koster 3:44
16 Mihaslk Provspiev 3:44
Geoff Carroll DNF

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